Energy Experts

Energy Experts

Renewable Energy Procurement, Onsite Solar, Energy Efficiency, and Infrastructure Development

Onsite Solar and Energy Storage

Onsite Solar and Energy Storage

Savings of 20% to 40% off your utility bills with distributed solar generation

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Renewable Energy Procurement, Onsite Solar, Energy Efficiency, and Infrastructure Development

Qualified Supply

Renewable energy offers businesses lower prices for electricity and opportunities for improving brand perception as it relates to the environment and sustainability.

PPAs in Mexico can range from one year to as long as 20 years, with three or four-year PPAs being the most popular. Generally, there is no capex needed to move to a private supplier.

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Energy Audits and Energy Consumption Analysis

Energy Audits and Energy Consumption Analysis

Our energy efficiency solutions for retail, industrial, and public services customers can deliver 10% to 55% savings, depending on the facility's age.

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We can help you to reduce your carbon emissions by providing state of the art electric vehicles, in addition to designing and implementing your e-charging infrastructure. Our sustainable charging infrastructure provides reliable fleet e-charging.

Electric Mobility

We can help you reduce carbon emissions by providing state-of-the-art electric vehicles and designing and implementing your e-charging infrastructure. Our sustainable charging infrastructure provides reliable fleet e-charging from onsite solar and energy storage solutions.

Reduce Carbon Emissions
Solar LED Lighting

Solar LED Lighting

Solar energy is often the most cost-effective way to light parks, roads, and other remote areas, and it also helps meet sustainability objectives. Businesses can also save money and advertise their commitment to the environment.

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Sustainable Water Management Solutions

Sustainable Water Management

Feasibility studies and engineering for water infrastructure

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Our Insights

Understanding the Usuario Calificado Process

Understanding the Usuario Calificado Process

To become a Qualified User in Mexico a company must meet certain consumption thresholds. Entities consuming more than 1 MW (megawatt) of electricity per year can opt for this status. This threshold makes the option viable primarily for industrial and large commercial users.

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Energy Efficiency in Mexico's Steel Industry

Energy Efficiency in Mexico's Steel Industry

The steel industry in Mexico contributes significantly to the manufacturing sector and overall economy. Yet its extensive energy requirements mean that evolving toward more sustainable practices isn't merely desirable but necessary to remain competitive and compliant with environmental regulations.

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